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HYDRAULIC VANE PUMP hydraulic oil reservoirs

Publish Time: 2022-12-27     Origin: Site

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Information about HYDRAULIC VANE PUMP oil reservoirs.


Reservoir and circuit design must prevent aeration of the fluid. Particular care must be used to employ joints, seals and gaskets that will not leak or deteriorate. This is especially important in low pressure and suction lines. Connections should always be tight to prevent air from entering the system.

It is best to use windows and sight glasses in the reservoir and inlet lines during prototype evaluation to determine whether significant amounts of air are present in the fluid. Any opaqueness or milky appearance of the fluid in the lines or reservoir indicates excessive aeration. Bubbles on the surface of the reservoir fluid may indicate that excessive aeration is present.

Reservoirs Oil Level

The oil level of the reservoir should be as high as possible above the pump suction line opening. All return lines should discharge near the tank bottom, always below the oil level, and as far from the pump inlet as possible.

For power steering pumps using a remote reservoir, the oil level should not be lower than one foot below the pump shaft centerline.

Reservoirs should incorporate a sight gauge, dipstick or other means for easy checking of the oil level. Without these devices, the oil level often goes unchecked and, should a leak occur, the pump can be starved and damaged from loss of lubrication.


Preferably, reservoirs should be located above pumps. This creates a flooded pump inlet which reduces the possibility of pump cavitation.

Line Connections

Pump suction and tank return lines should be attached to the reservoir by flanges or welded heavy-duty coupling. If the suction line is connected to the bottom of the reservoir, the coupling should extend above the bottom inside the tank. This prevents residual dirt from getting into the suction line when the tank is cleaned. The seals used on all suction line connections should be such that they will not deteriorate and leak.

Baffle Plate

A baffle plate in the reservoir is desirable to separate the suction and return lines. The plate causes return oil to circulate around the outer wall of the reservoir for cooling before it re-enters the pump. It also helps provide time for entrained air to separate from the oil. Baffle plate openings should be designed so that cascade effects and resultant air entrainment are minimized.


Magnets in a reservoir should be able to pick up ferrous particles not retained by filters or strainers. Magnets should be assembled to the support bars located between suction and return lines, and be accessible for cleaning


Most reservoirs are vented to the atmosphere through an opening that lets air leave or enter the space above the oil as the oil level rises or falls. A filler/breather unit containing an air filtering element, such as shown on page 118, is often used as the vent.
It must be large enough to handle
the air flow required to maintain atmospheric pressure whether the
tank is full or empty.


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