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The functional introduction of HYDRAULIC VANE PUMP

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Hydraulic pumps are a crucial component of many hydraulic systems, and they come in various types, each with unique advantages and limitations. One of the most common types is the hydraulic vane pump, which has been in use for over a century. HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS are popular because they are efficient, compact, and can deliver high flow rates with low noise levels. In this article, we will discuss the practical introduction of HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS, including their working principle, advantages, limitations, and applications.

Here is the list of contents:

  • Working Principle

  • Advantages

  • Limitations

  • Applications

Working Principle

HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS are positive-displacement pumps that use rotating vanes to create a suction that draws fluid into the pump. The liquid then flows through the pump's housing and between the vanes before being expelled from the pump's outlet. The vanes are mounted on a rotor, which is eccentrically positioned within the pump's housing. As the rotor rotates, the vanes slide in and out of their slots due to centrifugal force, creating a series of chambers that expand and contract as the rotor turns. The rooms draw fluid into the pump during the expanding phase and force it out during the contracting phase.


HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS offer several advantages over other types of hydraulic pumps. One of the main advantages is their efficiency. HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS can achieve efficiencies of up to 90%, making them one of the most efficient types of hydraulic pumps available. Additionally, HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS are compact and have a low noise level, making them ideal for use in applications where space and noise are a concern.

Another advantage of HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS is their ability to handle a wide range of fluids, including viscous fluids and those containing small particles. This versatility makes them suitable for a wide range of applications, including industrial machinery, construction equipment, and mobile hydraulic systems.


Despite their many advantages, HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS do have some limitations. One of the main limitations is their inability to handle high-pressure applications. HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS typically have a maximum pressure rating of around 3,000 psi, making them unsuitable for applications that require higher pressures.

Another limitation of HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS is their sensitivity to contamination. Since HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS have tight tolerances between the vanes and housing, even tiny particles can cause significant damage to the pump. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the fluid entering the pump is clean and free of contaminants.


HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS are commonly used in a wide range of applications, including industrial machinery, construction equipment, and mobile hydraulic systems. They are particularly suitable for applications that require a compact, efficient, and low-noise pump. Some typical applications include hydraulic power steering, hydraulic brakes, and hydraulic lifts.

HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS are also commonly used in the aerospace industry, where their high efficiency and low noise levels make them ideal for use in hydraulic systems in aircraft. Additionally, HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS are often used in the automotive industry, where they are used in power steering systems, automatic transmissions, and hydraulic clutches.

HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS are a reliable and efficient type of hydraulic pump that offers several advantages over other types of pumps. They are compact, versatile, and have a low noise level, making them ideal for use in a wide range of applications. However, they do have some limitations, such as their inability to handle high-pressure applications and sensitivity to contamination. Overall, HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS are an excellent choice for applications that require a compact and efficient pump with low noise levels.

If you want to know more about HYDRAULIC VANE PUMPS, why not contact us? Our company also has vane pumps for mobiles product. Our company website: www.zjkeister.com.




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